Axis Power 7 Central Wiki

Rupickohonic's Ruins shown in 2011, after 910 years of not being discovered following the Earth Quake of 1101...

Rupickohonic previously identified by the First Resistance group during The Blitz as Area A, was a fictional historical Native American town in central Maine, that was constructed in 324 AD, during the time of the Native American period that occurred about 1,171 years before Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

The town was created by a well advanced Native American tribe of the day, and left questions amongst Europe, revealing that the United States maybe older then they might have known. The town was known to have been the largest Native American village in the history of the United States before its Independence in 1776, but was tragically destroyed 675 years before the United States became its own country in 1101, by a giant Earthquake that decimated the town and its entire Native American population.

The actual race of whom created this advance village was never Identified, but the ruins ever since its discovery during the events of the UNW War often baffled and intrigued Europe, which led to the unknown question to represent the true age of the United States.

The town ever since the giant Earthquake that destroyed the town and disfigured the land, has since then remained unmarked and vacant for 910 years until it was found by World War II veteran Sgt Johnathan O Rally on November 10th, 2011, during the early days of The UNW War.



Outer Town[]

Inner Town[]

